Are you tired of always forgetting something before going on a trip?
Forgetting what you took on your last trip or never knowing what to pack?
Bringing way too many clothes even for short trips?
SimplePacking is the solution!
An app that helps you organize your bags making your trip safer and easier!
Customize your trip by adding information about your trip, destination, dates, transportation, accommodation and activities.
Categorize your bags type, organize all the itens you wish to take and create your own checklist before you leave so you won’t forget anything.
Discover information about your destiny’s local weather, receive suggestions and important notifications about your trips and set custom images for each one of your bags.
Developed by Artur Luis Oliveira, Matheus Homrich, Pedro Pacheco and Santiago Gonzaga.
Designed by Dharana Rivas and Isadora Gambetta.